Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I figured out how to import my videos.
I've uploaded them onto youtube for your enjoyment...
Thanks for following along, looks like this is my last post.
We both had a lot of fun out there, but we're happy to be home and off that rocking ship.
Watch the mail for our post-wedding announcements/reception invites.

...shout out to Justin for helping us get the cruise on the cheap. Thanks, man.

The videos kind of get cut off here. Nothing I could do about it. Just click on the 'full screen' button for... full screen.

Monday, May 18, 2009


...sitting in a Burger King at the airport in Miami right now. Our flight is at 5:05pm. It is 11:45am right now. We have a lot of sitting around to do. So, I've received a lot of complaints about my shortage of updates in the past few days. See, apparently when they said they had free wifi on the boat, they really meant free wifi for mobile phones only. Anybody with a computer would have to pay by the minute. Not cool. At least I have five hours to put together a post to bring everyone up to date.
Stephanie will be reading, and that kid will continue to think that I was taking a picture of him. Well after my last post, Stephanie and I headed out in our limo (aka: taxi) to the beach.
It was a windy, overcast day. Hours of hair preparation were defeated. Eyes were squinted shut. Stuff was flying about.
After the ceremony, a few pictures were taken. Champagne was poured. Toasts were made. Sunburns were acquired. We hadn't even got to the cruise ship yet and Stephanie was well-done. That made a cruise to the Bahamas a little tricky. Much time was spent trying to figure out how to avoid sunshine. However, the most tragic part of our vacation is that my fancy-pants new camera did not want to behave. It really messed up some potentially great pictures. Here's an example:
No bueno. When we were all done at the beach we took a taxi to our boat, where we headed to our first stop, Nassau, Bahamas.
Stephanie and a very dark ocean. A friend of mine, Andrew, used to live in the Bahamas, and gave us some tips on what to do when we got there. Well, it ended up to be more of a list of foods to consume. We walked probably two or three miles to Goldies, a restaurant Andrew recommended, to try to knock as many items off the list as possible. I picked up a Goombay Punch, a pineapple flavored soda, on the way there (an item from the list). When we sat down, we already knew what we were going to have. Two items from the list, conch salad and conch fritters. I ordered some lobster, just in case this conch stuff didn't work out for us. After all, it is the animal that lives in this:
...there was a good chance it would end poorly. It took about an hour for us to get our food, which meant the conch fritters
and one of my three Goombay Punches were on the house.
The fritters were amazing, the salad had too much onions and the lobster was delish. We walked back to the boat, and that was basically our entire experience in Nassau. The next stop was Great Stirrup Cay, a small island owned by the cruise line.
Parasailing was first. I have a few pictures from that. I have some videos that I took as we were actually up there, but they'll have to wait until I get home.
Stephanie and me hiding from the sun, waiting for our parasailing appointment. I had to play nice and smile.
On the way out.
...and she says we don't have enough pictures of us together.
Going... up?
...it was pretty extreme. After that, we had some BBQ and headed back to the boat.
That night, I hit up the in-ship casino (for the second time) and picked up $180. Add that to the $45 I made the first night on the boat, and I almost paid off the cost of both our cruise tickets. Not bad. Not bad at all. When we got back to the room, I found some creature on my bed, wearing my sunglasses...
He pulled them off better than I did, so I let him keep the glasses. That's about it for now... I'll put up those videos I promised later.

Friday, May 15, 2009


It's 8am in Florida right now. We have to be on South Pointe Miami Beach at 11am. With any luck, Stephanie will be ready to go sometime in the next two hours. In the mean time , I'll just continue watching this horrible movie about some lady that grew up in the woods and apparently developed her own language.
The view from our room.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Stephanie and I just got settled into the hotel room... about to go to sleep. Today was a long day. On the flight, there was one movie to fill the time, Yes Man. Unfortunately, my headset plug-in didn't work right.
In order to get the sound to work, I had to hold the headset jack and apply a little torque. My fingers are sore from doing that for the duration of the movie. Afterwards Stephanie was asleep, so I at least had some sort of entertainment.
When we arrived at the airport we immediately took a taxi to downtown Miami to take care of some stuff. The taxi cost $27... a bad choice. When we finished up our business down town, Stephanie and I stepped out to the street to try to find a cab. Some crazy homeless man started shouting down the street at us, asking if we were looking for a cab. He ran down to confirm that the car he saw was a cab while we wandered in his direction. He eventually pointed us towards a bus stop where we caught the next bus to our hotel. That little homeless man saved us about $23, I was happy to give him the handful of change I had in my pocket.
The bus took about an hour to make a drive the taxi did in 15 minutes. Anywho, I better get to sleep now. Tomorrow is sort of a big day.


We just sat down at the airport. Lucky us- we now have our seat assignments, and we'll be sitting together on our four hour flight to Miami. ...just have to wait a bit over an hour until the plane gets here.
From The Trip of a Lifetime

Just kidding...

The the test picture of our baggage turned out to be a bit naive. Here is a more realistic picture:
Apparently I forgot that Stephanie was female. That fact alone adds two additional bags to what we had planned. Anywho, our ride is headed over right now to pick us up. The flight is at 7:35. We plan to check in 90 minutes early. We were not fortunate enough to get our seats next to each other on the flight- apparently if we get there early they can move things around for us. Let's hope that works. Forecasts for the entire weekend, everywhere we go, are 30% chance of rain and scattered t-storms. I hope we won't have to deal with that...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hey everyone.
A few people have asked me to email pictures to them of our trip. I figured I could set up this blog and give you all some updates and pictures as they happen. I thought about twitter, but they don't allow you to post pictures and they limit every post to 140 characters. Pretty lame.
So, check back periodically. I'll try to update this a couple times a day for your convenience.
Now for a test picture to make sure this will all work out alright: